Get Creative with our Pin to Win Contest!
Whether you need to put a finishing touch on your Halloween costume, or just appreciate wearable works of art, The Pin to Win Contest could be your ticket to a great pair of goggles!
Enter Our Pin to Win Contest Here
The contest is in full swing but there’s still time to sign up and get started. It’s easy and fun to enter, all you need is a Pinterest account and your own imagination.
Here’s a re-cap of the basic contest rules:
- If you don’t already have a Pinterest account, sign up for one. It’s free!
- Once you have your shiny new board, pin the contest logo to it (photo on the left)
- Look through the amazing inventory in the catalogue and pin at least three product images to your board, along with a creative description that includes the hashtags #SteampunkGoggles and #PinToWin
- Once your goggles are pinned, pin other Steampunk imagery. We’re looking for ingenuity, originality and composition. Get creative!
- Finally, submit the form on the contest page with your contact information.
Click here to read the full contest rules
Not quite sure where to start? Here are a few tips that may help:
- Think about what Steampunk means to you. What was it that drew you to this world in the first place
- What sort of things do you think of when you hear the word Steampunk?
- If you were in a Steampunk world, where would you want to be?
- Play your favorite Steampunk inspired music while you pin to get you in the mood.
- When you’re looking through our catalogue choose the three products that jump out at you the most. The more excited you are about them the easier it’ll be to come up with ideas!
- Above all, make it your own and have fun.
The judges are excited to get to work, and there’s still time to wow us, but remember this is for a limited time only. The contest ends November 18th, so, hurry and get pinning! The lucky winner could be you! (Edit: per the main contest page and official rules, entries closed on November 15th and winners were selected on November 18th. We are very sorry that our wording here was confusing for anyone who was considering entering after the 15th).